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Avoid Cavitation in Your Hydraulic System with the Following Clever Tips

Hydraulic systems are elemental in any construction site. From heavy loads to excavation and other activities, these machines will inevitably make work easy for you. However, you must be wary of cavitation of the hydraulic system, which adversely affects the performance of the machines. It occurs when air finds its way into the hydraulic system, disrupting the continuous and uniform flow of the hydraulic fluid. To avoid cavitation, here are some of the clever tips you can use to guarantee the optimal performance of your machines:

High Quality Hydraulic Fluid or Oil

The secret to good performance in hydraulic systems is to use high quality hydraulic fluid or oil. Even though the best stuff in the market might force you to dig deep into your wallet, it is all worth it in the end. You will conveniently avoid rapid machine wear and expensive repairs resulting from cavitation. Synthetic hydraulic fluid are the best that the market can offer. They are fabricated to stand up to high temperature and friction within the hydraulic system. Their superior qualities make them more preferable and efficient than standard oils.

With standard oils, you will have many problems during machine start-ups in cold weather or during morning hours. The low temperature makes the ordinary oils very viscous (thick) and unable to flow efficiently within the hydraulic system.

Keep Rags Away from the Reservoir

During regular maintenance, you will certainly need rags to wipe and clean the oil reservoirs.  You cannot avoid using them, but you can certainly prevent the negligence that comes with leaving them in the reservoir after the job is done. Make sure that small pieces of thread and cloth don't remain behind after the maintenance job is over. They create lines of weakness on the seals and valves, leaving space for air to get into the reservoir and contaminate the fluid.

Proper Size of the Piping

Cavitation problems can also be caused by improper size of the plumbing or tubes in the hydraulic systems. When you need to replace worn out tubes, make sure that you buy the right size, one that matches what the manufacturer installed on the machine. Do not try to improvise smaller or larger pipes and support them with rubber or plastic bands during replacements. It may be a cheap option at the beginning, but the intrinsic value of the damage to come is too much. To add on that, such tubes can lead to severe accidents in the workplace.

To learn more, contact a company that works in hydraulic equipment for more information.
